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Trauma Recovery & Empowerment: Find Your Missing Peace (NOT a typo)! 

I embrace working with any kind of trauma, from negative memories, responses and behaviours to full blown trauma, PTSD and CPTSD, the results of which can present as fear, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, not feeling good enough, self-doubt, low self esteem & even self hatred, distraction, procrastination, resistance and self sabotage.
It breaks my heart when people suffer needlessly. Freedom and transformation is possible if you put yourself first, perhaps for the first time in a long time.

Once you take that first brave step, magical things can happen and your life can be completely transformed!
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Your Journey

 Together we will piece together the puzzle of life to identify, make sense of, clear, heal and transform any of the following areas:

• Childhood wounds & trauma caused for any reason
• Family issues and inter-generational trauma
• Abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy and birth trauma
• Grief and loss 
• Sexual trauma and abuse 
• Trauma and negative experiences throughout life, such as school, Uni, work, friends & family, parenthood etc.
 • Feelings of not being enough, never being enough, being too big, too loud, too much etc.
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Your Transformation!

Put simply, you will still have the broad memories of your trauma but the memories will soften and most importantly, will NOT have the negative ‘fight, flight or freeze’ response connected to them any more. The emotions connected to the trauma and events will be gone! 

You’ll feel different physically as well as emotionally. You’ll start to truly love and accept yourself and from that place, practical changes are far easier to implement and maintain. You’ll finally start to believe you are enough, that you deserve to live your best life and that you have everything you need to start doing that! 

Your next step

Book a call to discuss the best bespoke one-to-one healing work available to suit your unique needs. You are enough. You deserve the gift of healing and transformation.
 I’m looking forward to being your guide to help you find your Missing PEACE (NOT a typo)!
"Liz is a lovely lady and has helped me to understand and use 'tapping' to cope with my anxieties. We looked in depth at issues affecting my life and this has aided my recovery."

Judy, Cancer Survivor

Get in touch

To find out how we can help you, book a free 45 min discovery session by contacting me using the button below or filling in the form:
If working together isn't quite right for you now, why not head over to my 'Freebies' page where I have an assortment of free resources!

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